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Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Organic Search

Ensure your website shows up when people search for answers to questions your business is the solution for. Website copy, landing pages, resources and blog content are all tools we use to help ensure your website is being found by search engines (like Google and Bing) and people! 

Backend Optimization

A lot of SEO is the words you use but the back end of your website helps search engines understand what is most important and when to display what. From schema markup to making sure your website is super fast and mobile-friendly, plus a whole suite of other developer tricks, we can make sure not just the words but the structure of your website is optimized for search. 

Off-Page Support

Did you know having other websites link to your website helps your website rank better? When it’s important to show up when people are searching for you every little bit helps and link building is another little way we can help bolster your SEO. 

Paid Search Advertising

Sometimes it’s tough to rank organically for highly competitive topics in your industry, in those cases we turn to paid advertising to ensure your website shows up when people are searching – and not just on Google but also on other websites around the web. While we don’t do this in-house, we can bring in partners to help you meet your goals. (If you are looking for a paid-search-centric marketing initiative we are probably not the best partner for you, but happy to work with other marketing pros and agencies to collaborate towards reaching your goals.)

How often do you turn to Google or a web search first when you are looking for a solution to your problems or answers to your questions? Probably a lot! We all do. Making sure your company website can be found and entices people to click when they find you is critical in today’s online world. 

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